Locate in Edinburgh

A view of a street in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh's reputation as a place to live, work, visit, and study has led thousands of businesses to expand or relocate into the city, many of them from overseas.

In the 2024 Investment Attractiveness Index compiled by the Centre for Economics and Business Research, Edinburgh was named the UK's leading destination for foreign direct investment after London and South East England.

Leading companies from around the world who have chosen to base operations in Edinburgh include the American e-commerce giant Amazon, the Italian aerospace company Leonardo, the Dutch brewer Heineken, the Japanese technology company Canon, and the Australian financial administration company Computershare.

Edinburgh is also a popular base for not-for-profit bodies. International organisations including the British-Irish Council and the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization are headquartered in Edinburgh, along with international charities such as Water Witness, First Aid AfricaEMMS International, the International Voluntary Service, and the European arm of Mercy Corps

Amazon’s customers are diverse, and having a global team is one of the best ways for us to understand their needs and serve those customers well. It’s why Edinburgh continues to be the perfect location for us. The creative environment, high quality of living, skilled international workforce and excellent universities are world-renowned.

– Graeme Smith, Managing Director, Amazon Development Centre Scotland

Businesses interested in locating in Edinburgh can access a wide range of support. For more information, please contact us at invest@edinburgh.gov.uk.

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Is your organisation interested in locating or expanding in Edinburgh? If so, please get in touch to discuss how we can provide free and confidential support for your project.

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